Solidarity statements and resolutions

Occupy Wall Street with the UAW This Saturday!

10:45 AM: Zuccotti Park in Manhattan (at North West Corner Broadway & Liberty Street)

12:00 PM: Student Convergence 12:00PM Washington Square General Assembly

5:00 PM Times Square Convergence

Occupy Wall Street to Target Chase Bank!

The Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee is organizing a march from Liberty Plaza (Zuccotti Park) to a nearby Chase branch. In addition there will be a Student General Assembly at 12:00 PM in Washington Square Park. We would like to make these two events the primary focus of our activities on Saturday.

UAW members will be meeting at 10:45 AM at Zuccotti Park at the northwest corner of Broadway and Liberty Street, in Manhattan for the 11:00 AM march over to a nearby Chase branch, which is open on Saturday. Some folks will be going in to close their Chase accounts and the rest of us will rally and leaflet out in front of the bank. If you are interested in closing a Chase account on Saturday, contact Scott Sommer at

Chase is one of the largest banks in the country (and a darling of Wall Street). Chase has also been one of the most aggressive in NOT renegotiating speculative mortgages, many of which they acquired when the Bush Administration allowed them to acquire Washington Mutual on the very, very cheap (like ten cents, yes ten cents, on the dollar). Also many of you remember from our Spring actions at JP Morgan Chase’s corporate HQ, that as the prime banker for Reynolds Tobacco (Camel, Salem, Winston, et al.) they have refused to exercise their influence to improve the pay and working conditions of the members of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC).

At the end of the Chase rally we will march together to the Washington Square Student General Assembly which begins at 12:00 noon and will be followed by an action at approximately 1:00 PM.

For these and many more reasons, JOIN US this Saturday to Occupy Wall Street!

At 5:00 PM there will be a mass convergence on Times Square. This is not a rally with a permit as the Foley Square one last week was. We do not have any more details on this convergence, but we did want to let you know of it.