GSOC is a space for political advocacy and debate, driven by the interests of its members. As such, we invite GSOCers to form formal and informal caucuses to organize around special issues, common experiences, or shared visions for what the union should endorse and practice.
Caucuses are independent from GSOC and their views are not automatically those of the union.
Forming a Caucus
Any member of GSOC is entitled to start an Official or Unofficial Caucus. Official Caucuses have a more public facing character and are entitled to a share of GSOC’s communications infrastructure.
To start an Official Caucus, a member must submit their caucus name, a short description of the caucus’ goals and positions, and a caucus representative (including name and email) to a Head Steward. All complete submissions are automatically approved.
For more information on Caucuses, please consult our caucus policy (approved 2/16/2016).
Current Caucuses
Academic Workers for a Democratic Union (AWDU)
AWDU seeks to build a transparent, member-led and democratic union with a social justice orientation. We believe that a strong democratic union flows from the bottom up, centered around rank-and-file in and across departments. Only through an organizing model that puts members at the center can the union defend and improve the rights of NYU graduate employees. We also affirm our commitment to social movement unionism: fighting not only for bread and butter contract issues, but also bolstering the various social and political movements that shape NYU graduate workers’ lives inside and outside the university.
Contact: Daniel Young, Bhumika Chauhan