
Course Assistant Settlement Finalized!

Dear fellow workers,

We are writing to you to deliver long-awaited and exciting news. After over two years, we settled and executed the Course Assistant underpayment grievance. The Union and the University signed the settlement on August 31st, 2023. As per its terms:

  • Over $1.7 million in settlement pay, including frozen service bonuses, will be distributed.
  • Over 600 Course Assistants, from GSAS, Stern, Tandon, and Steinhardt, will be compensated for underpayment that took place between Spring 2021 and Spring 2022.
  • The payouts will be delivered within 30 business days of the settlement’s signing (by October 16th).

Moreover, the settlement further stipulates that moving forward, Course Assistants will have clarity in their pay as follows:

  • They are formally recognized as part of our bargaining unit within the recognition clause of our Union contract.
  • They receive compensation that is calculated based on an hourly rate no less than that listed in our Union contract (currently $28.25/hr).
  • They are eligible for the 7% service bonus that is awarded for semesterly appointments in lieu of vacation per our Union contract.

This stupendous achievement was the result of hours upon hours put in by organizers, Unit Representatives, stewards, and rank-and-file GSOC-ers to collect materials, supply information, negotiate with the University, and ultimately put considerable pressure on them to pay graduate employees for all the hours of work performed. It is a testament to the power that we can wield when we come together as a Union!

And yet, at the same time, it is a sobering reminder of the regrettable fact that our contract’s enforcement cannot be left to the University’s good graces. Our Unit Representatives stand at the ready to hold the University to the letter of the settlement. And, as always, if you believe you have experienced a problem at work, reach out to us.

In solidarity,
GSOC-UAW Local 2110