Early on in the Universal Extension campaign, we collected the testimonials of several of our members, attesting to the urgent need for funding across disciplines in the University. We have reproduced them for you below.
Zavier is a PhD candidate in @nyuniversity's joint History & Middle Eastern Studies program. He's unable to access key archives for his dissertation research and has had several grants canceled or postponed. He's calling for a #UniversalExtension and knows that #NYUCanAffordIt! pic.twitter.com/zQJfORcPeZ
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Omar's a PhD candidate in Tandon's Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Department. His research "involves shooting lasers at supersaturated solutions to analyze phase changes. I can't do that at home." He's calling on @nyuniversity for #UniversalExtension & knows #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/fprum9yaBp
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Miriam's a PhD candidate in the History Department. Her research trip to Panama was canceled. She says @nyuniversity has a responsibility "to ensure the conditions that make the completion of our research possible." She's calling for a #UniversalExtension & knows #NYUCanAffordIt! pic.twitter.com/XK4MMTsOKm
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Daryl is a PhD student in Cinema Studies at Tisch. She is no longer able to undertake critical research for her dissertation this summer due to archival closures and travel restrictions. She's calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension & she knows #NYUCanAffordIt! pic.twitter.com/nbmYHJ9EsV
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Tuhin's a PhD student in Comparative Literature. He can't defend his prospectus without access to books, had to cancel a research trip to India & doesn't know how he'll afford rent in NYC this summer. He's calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension & knows #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/8Iyfs1Tups
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Daria's a PhD student in American Studies. She contracted COVID & was unable to do classwork for 3 weeks. She's unable to use common space in her NY apartment as her roommates are also sick. Working from her bedroom without a desk isn't easy! #UniversalExtension #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/AO0KUrBpvC
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Gabriel's a PhD candidate in the History & Middle Eastern Studies joint program. He was forced to leave a fellowship based in Jordan early. He's now helping to take care of his elderly parents. He's calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension & knows that #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/i8oUPA5053
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Saronik's a PhD candidate in English. COVID has entirely disrupted his dissertation writing. He's helping organize quarantine rations for his elderly & high risk family members who live in India. He's calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension & knows that #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/s0I9akWGSR
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Smaran is a PhD candidate in the Comparative Literature Department at @nyuniversity. He's lost summer income, an opportunity to chair a conference panel, and is unable to access key archives. He is calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension. We know that #NYUCanAffordIt. pic.twitter.com/5OkxV48RFc
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Emilie's a PhD student in Steinhardt's Sociology of Education at @nyuniversity. Her ethnographic research has halted & she can't attain ABD status since her faculty mentors are impacted by this pandemic too. Emilie is calling for a #UniversalExtension & knows that #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/8pbQmop6sl
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Daniel's a PhD candidate in the Philosophy Department. "People are facing all kinds of personal, mental & physical health & research crises right now. We can't leave it to individuals to get through this." He calls on @nyuniversity for #UniversalExtension & knows #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/G0KUyD4ate
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020
Kate is a PhD candidate in the Physics Department. She is immunocompromised, is taking care of a chronically ill parent, has lost summer funding, and can't participate in research opportunities. She's calling on @nyuniversity for a #UniversalExtension & knows that #NYUCanAffordIt pic.twitter.com/dURQi5Tfgc
— NYU GSOC|UAW (@GSOCUAW) April 23, 2020