Know what you are striking for and prepare for the conversations ahead. Why can’t we work on strike? What do we tell our students? What is in the contract? Can NYU afford it?
In solidarity means many minds working together. Individual efforts make a difference! See how you can take action today to let NYU know you support the Graduate Worker Strike.
Whether in person or online, a strike is an active effort! Stay informed on our latest bargaining and strike efforts by following our social media and watching for our emails.
What are we really asking for? Why are we striking? Prepare for the conversations ahead.
Striking will affect classes for many students. See here to understand why graduate student workers are striking, how it affects you, and how you can help.
Having a conversation with our faculty and students about the strike may be hard. Use this resource from Columbia graduate students.
Despite 9 months of bargaining, NYU has failed to agree to a fair contract. Read about our demands and know more about the contract we are fighting for
Take an active role in fighting for a fair contract for you and your fellow workers!
Reach out to faculty members you have a relationship with to explain why we are striking and gain their support. See our letter template here as a starting point.
Attend our next event either in person or online. Join in solidarity with your fellow workers and check here for bargaining sessions, rallies, virtual actions, phone banking, and more.
If NYU graduate workers decide to strike, we recognize that we do not all face the same risks to our income. Click here and help with the mutual aid fund.
Join your fellow union members in our strike efforts! Volunteer to phone bank, draft press releases, organize strike actions, and generally connect with your fellow activists.
Have a social media following? Raise your voice and get the word out that NYU graduate students are coming together to fight for a fair contract. Use these resources to get started.
A quick and easy action to take is to change your email signature to state your support for the graduate student workers. Click here for a how-to on how to change yours.
Follow us on social media and get our latest posts.
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